Malvern House |  13 Green Lane |  Tuebrook |  Liverpool |  L13 7DT     
t: 0151 259 2535     

Group Insurance


    Malvern House Group Insurance is a Group of Insurances that have been specially picked by your local Federation Branch, to assist and protect you and your family in times of need. This scheme is open to Police Officers, Police Staff and can be continued into retirement. These Insurances have all been grouped together under one package, which allows for the premiums to be kept low, and if these insurances were purchased individually, they will be much more expensive.

    You can have all the below with just one single premium deducted from salary or pension and no worry over having to renew your insurance each year, as this happens automatically.

    The Benefits include:
    • Life Insurance: £140,000
    • Critical Illness: £5,000
    • Terminal Prognosis Advance on Life Benefit
    • Accidental Loss of use following accident for: Sight in one of both eyes; One or more limbs; Hearing in one of both ears; speech
    • Child Critical Illness
    • Child Death Grant
    • Hospital Benefit for emergency admission: £50.00 a night for up to 7 nights
    • Emergency Dental Treatment following accident.
    • Unrecoverable Court compensation
    • Sick pay benefit when cut to half pay
    • Support 24
    • GP 24
    • Family worldwide Travel Insurance
    • Legal Expenses Cover
    • Home Emergency Assistance
    • Motor Breakdown Cover (UK)
    • Financial Service with Kinsella Clarke


    Some of the above cover extends to your partner and family and further details for this and all the above listed cover can be found in the Scheme Benefits Booklet.