About Us
What We Do
Merseyside Police Federation provides assistance to its members, the Federated ranks of Merseyside Police. We offer advice on Police Regulations covering matters like overtime, allowances and leave entitlements. Our day to day activities also involve advice, representation and negotiation in areas such as Equality, grievances, Health and Safety issues, welfare and part-time working issues, professional development advice, and as ever - representation for Gross Misconduct, Misconduct and UPP investigations and hearings. Through members subscriptions we ensure legal advice and representation for on duty related incidents
Merseyside Federation also helps administer applications to the North West Police Benevolent Fund for physiotherapy, as well as applications for loans and grants for officers suffering extreme financial hardship not of their own making, while a new service providing counselling is also now available through the Benevolent Fund.
Through our Group Insurance scheme we offer financial advice and assistance, and of course legal assistance for off duty incidents. The Group Insurance scheme also provides cover including world-wide travel insurance, £100,000 life insurance cover, hospitalisation benefit, home emergency assistance, motor breakdown cover, critical illness cover, sick pay benefit and I've already mentioned above legal expenses cover that includes identity theft.
Merseyside Police Federation also administers its own charity, the Merseyside Police Federation Charitable Trust. This registered charity assists the community of Merseyside by providing cash donations to other local charities, plus gifts, food hampers and vouchers to the needy and to victims of crime, as well as contributing to other local causes and groups like equipment for community groups, youth clubs and programmes to help disadvantaged youngsters.