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Funeral Society
Formerly the Liverpool City Police Funeral Society and the Merseyside Police Benefit Friendly Society. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
The origins of the Merseyside Police Funeral Society
This Society started life in 1855 as the Liverpool City Police Funeral Society - being established to ensure that Policemen would receive a proper Christian burial and not a "paupers grave".
Over the years the name of the Society has changed, but the basic principle has not - that is - to provide financial assistance to our next of kin (or whoever you nominate to receive the benefit) at the time of the members death.
Police Officers can join the Society at any time within TWELVE months of joining or transferring to the Merseyside Police.
Police Pensioners who are already members of the scheme at retirement may continue paying into the scheme. The condition of this is that the retiring officer should indicate within 3 months of retirement that they intend to maintain membership and payment to the scheme.
Who benefits from the payment? That is a matter for the member, who indicates on the nomination form who will receive payment on the members death.
If you are an existing member have you considered amending the details held by the Funeral Society? Many officers join the scheme when living with parents. Others may be married or living with partner. As time moves on, for many reasons the member may want another beneficiary to receive payment.
Unless you inform the Merseyside Police Funeral Society then your existing partner etc may not receive the benefit. If you are in doubt contact the Merseyside Police Funeral Society, Room 2/28, Merseyside Police Headquarters, Canning Place, Liverpool L69 1JD.
The cost of Membership of the Society?
20 pence per week. Which is deducted from your pay
The Benefit payable
The current Benefit is £1,800 To put this into context if you pay into the fund for 30 yrs the cost to you would be £312. If you paid into the fund for 60 years you would pay £624 at current rates. Payment to the fund is taken directly from the members pay or pension. Future payments and weekly costs will be reviewed. Changes will be considered by the Management Committee after taking advice from professional advisors to the fund. The Society is Managed by a Committee of Management which is made up of Serving and Retired Police Officers who are members of the Society.
The ONLY payment made to ANY member or officer of the Society, is an "honoraria" which is paid to the Secretary and the Treasurer each year, the figure being decided by those members who attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.
New members of the committee are always welcome particularly from serving officers.
How to join the Merseyside Police Funeral Society
- Complete part (1) NOMINATION of the nomination form
- Get a colleague to witness your signature and endorse the witness section of the form.
- Send the completed form to the address at the bottom of this form together with a deduction authority form instructing the Payroll Provider to deduct 20 pence per week in favour of Merseyside Police Funeral Society.
Make life a little easier for your family at the time of your deathJoin the Merseyside Police Funeral Society - Now
Merseyside Police Funeral Society,
Room 2/28 Merseyside Police Headquarters,
Canning Place, Liverpool L69 1JD