Charitable Trust

Merseyside Police Federation Charitable Trust Applications

The Merseyside Police Federation Charitable Trust is a registered charity whose aim is to support individuals residing in the Merseyside area who are victims of crime and/or violence or who have suffered some kind of loss, hardship or distress. They also help young people advance in life through the provision of support and activities which develop their life skills to enable them to participate in society.

The Trust has also been able to support a wide range and number of community groups and projects some requiring help with sporting kits and specialist equipment; some needing help to recognise good works by youth groups across our Force area; some needing support following vandalism and damage of play equipment; some needing support to relocate following race hate crimes and some just needing to know that someone cares.

The Trust accepts applications from Police Staff of all ranks and grades and these applications are considered by the Charitable Trust Committee at regular meetings.

If you wish to submit an application to the Trust which meets with any of the above criteria, please complete the application form offering as much detail as possible in the space provided on the form.

Please forward your completed form to Jane Dean either by :

Email to
Fax to 0151 228 0973
Post to the Federation Office, Green Lane